公開講演会「Contesting sexual discourses in the Anglican Communion: Insights from contrasting debates about ‘modernity’ and ‘homosexuality’ in Uganda and Japan.」(アングリカン?コミュニオンにおける「性」言説を問う——ウガンダと日本における「近代」と「同性愛」をめぐる対照的な議論から見えてくるもの)
Christian denominations generally have been divided on issues of sexuality, particularly same-sex relations, none more publically or angrily than the worldwide Anglican communion. The lecture will examine the state of the Anglican Communion in the light of the Primates’ Meeting at Canterbury in January 2016. African churches have been particularly vocal on issues of sexuality. The lecture will argue that Africa, and specifically Uganda, is not as uniformly or as deeply homophobic as the recent debates might suggest. I will reflect on changing African attitudes to same- sex relations in the light of Japan’s response to ‘modern’ debates on sexuality in the works of such writers as Ogai Mori and Edogawa Ranpo, and more recent ‘bishonen’ films.
Kevin Ward(ケヴィン?ワード)氏
Kevin Ward is an Anglican priest, ordained in the Church of Uganda.He was a lecturer in the Bishop Tucker Theological College (now the Uganda Christian University) from 1976-1991, and was associate professor of African Religious Studies at the University of Leeds from 1995-2014. In 2015 he was a visiting professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is author of A History of Global Anglicanism (Cambridge University Press, 2006) and co-editor with Brian Stanley of The Church Mission Society and World Christianity, 1799–1999 (1999), and has written extensively on the history of Christianity in East Africa, and on Christian debates on sexuality in Uganda.
ワード氏はウガンダ聖公会で按手された司祭であり、1976年から1991年までウガンダのビショップ?タカー神学院(現在:ウガンダ?キリスト教大学)の講師として活躍し、1995年から2014年までリーズ大学のアフリカ宗教学講座准教授を務めた。また2015年に香港中文大学の客員教授としてアジアを訪問した。最近の業績には『A History of the World Anglican Communion』(2006年)と『The Church Mission Society and World Christianity, 1799–1999 』(Brian Stanleyと共に編集、1999年)がある。その他、東アフリカにおけるキリスト教史、またウガンダのキリスト教界における「性」言説に関する数多くの研究論文を発表している。